
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

vendredi 23 janvier 2009


This car looks like a palette of a painter ...What do you think ?
cette voiture ressemble à une palette de peintre ...qu'en pensez -vous?

9 commentaires:

USelaine a dit…

I sometimes imagine doing this kind of art on a car, but I never get the courage.

Olivier a dit…

tu as bien raison, en effet elle donne l'impression d'une grosse palette. (sauf le sigle sur le capot, j'arrive pas a bien voir ce qu'il represente)

Rob a dit…

Easy to find this car while it is parked.

Unknown a dit…

Yes, it does!

tr3nta a dit…

:-) what a nice van!!!! YOURS??? :-)

Lori a dit…

I guess someone artistic must own it. It certainly catches the eye and makes for a great photo! Have a good weekend.

Bhavesh Chhatbar a dit…

The owner must be very colorful. People must accept that life too is such a beautiful car that can drive you different destinations to enjoy!

Linda a dit…

Very free-spirited. And is it parked on double yellow lines, and do they mean the same as in the UK: stationnement interdit?

I've replied to your jeu de mots question on my Ben Rinnes post.

Baruch a dit…

Such a fun looking car - well spotted!