
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

vendredi 16 janvier 2009

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In the first shot, you can see in the background, the Hot Air Balloon just about to take off !

8 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

on s'attend à voir sortir un monstre dans ta première photo ;o)). Ici plus neige et plus de gele, tant pis

Ming the Merciless a dit…

Wow, what a spectacular photo!!

Am looking forward to more photos taken from your balloon ride.

Ming the Merciless a dit…

You should INSIST everyone click to enlarge the photos! The details are amazing. I can see people skating and the balloon in the background.

Sharon a dit…

That is a great photo. You can't see the balloon at all when it's small. I love those ice shards in the front.

Olivier Bailleux a dit…

Photos splendides en grand format. Les humains et leur étrange véhicule volant paraissent tout petits, à leur juste place finalement, dans l'immensité du paysage. a dit…

what great photos Babzy. I wish I was in that hot air balloon!

Unknown a dit…

The breaking ice is fantastic! What a gorgeous photo!

abc a dit…

Both are great photos. The balloon one has so much depth and detail in it. I love the skating one (as you would expect from my own series). Both really look great when enlarged as you recommend. Wonderful to look at for a while.