It was difficult to take the pictures because yellow tits are very fast birds. They stop long enough to grab some food and fly away straight away. I had to hide behind the window and I hoped for the best. Here are my two best best shots. It was a real treat! (Garden of my friend M-J )
Ce fut vraiment difficile de prendre les mésanges ,elle ne restent que le temps de prendre une graine et s'envolent ! ce sont des oiseaux très rapides ,j'ai du me réfugier derrière la fenêtre afin de pouvoir prendre quelques clichés , ils sont un peu flous mais quel spectacle !
6 commentaires:
pas facile en effet,mais bien shooté, par ce temps, elles doivent aimer venir picorer
I know, what do you mean :)
I have tried and tried and get some almost clear photos about them and other small birds, it takes time and patient.
You have been successful, they are so lovely!
Lovely shots! I bet this was a hard job...
He's so colorful! It was lucky you could capture a photo before he flew away. You must have been very patient to wait for the right moment. The yellow feathers really stand out in the picture.
We don't have this species here. It looks like our "chickadees", and they are fun to watch in the crowns of the oak trees outside my office window.
Browsing a bit through your January posts I noticed this charming feathered friend. Lovely!
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