hot-air baloon ! wasn't it a perfect day ? (click on the photos !)
Dautres clichés pris dimanche , j'espère que ce n'est pas trop ;) Toutes les générations ont vraiment profité de ce dimanche au soleil ,quel plaisir la glisse ,luges, ski, patins à glace ,des personnes pique-niquaient , une autre jouait de l'acordéon, j'ai vu des plongeurs et cerise sur le gâteau une magnifique Montgolfière ! Cette journée n'était- elle pas parfaite !
10 commentaires:
beaux montages, j'aurais adoré faire de la luge et puis l'arrivée de la mongolfiere sur la glace (je trouve qu'elle merite un post a elle toute seule ;o)) superbe.
Non, non, on ne se lasse pas! Marcher sur l'eau, incroyable...Je trouve pas mal de ressemblances entre "ton" graffiti et celui que j'ai posté aujourd'hui, trouvé à Rennes. Et chez moi aussi, les mésanges picorent dans une mangeoire de la Hulotte!
Merci de tes visites chez moi et bonne journée!
I had some ice activity of my own to day, I made a frappe in the blender.
It looks seductive, but awfully cold!
Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia
Great collages! It seems everyone was really enjoying the ice in many ways! :-)
Wow! It does look like the perfect day and fun for all, adults and kids alike. All of that activity on the ice is amazing. It certainly must be frozen solid to hold all of those people. I enjoyed your photos so much!
I can see there is a pretty hot air balloon as well. I recently went ice skating for the first time in years, it was wonderful even though I wasn't very good at it.
I like your collages.
What a beautiful day to enjoy outside! I do hope it was not too cold. But skating will warm you up.
You asked about my Yellow Festoon photo, I explain below;
It is an overhead crane hoist used for lifting diesel engines or plows and buckets out of the big trucks and tractors. I was standing up on the mezzanine looking across the rails of the crane hoist. The festoon part is the draping yellow electric cord. That is what first caught my eye.
I didn't realize there can be soooo much activities on the frozen ice.
Awesome collection of photos.
Marvellous and fun pictures. I just discovered them and thought I'd comment anyway.
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