
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

mercredi 4 février 2009

file number 6

I've been tagged by Lily : here is the the game, post your sixth photo from your sixth folder, link back to the person that chose you, tag 6 bloggers but i won't choose others bloggers , i think that anybody who wants to play the game can do it :)
I took this photo in august in my kitchen garden , hope you will love this nice Borage flower !
J'ai pris cette photo dans mon jardin familial au mois d'aout , j'éspère que vous aimerez cette jolie fleur de Bourrache !

8 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

un peu de couleur en ce moment de grisaille, cela fait du bien

Unknown a dit…

This is lovely!

Lori a dit…

How lovely! The colors and textures of the plants are so beautiful. There's even a drop of water on the petal. You are lucky to have these flowers in your garden.

Anonyme a dit…

Great capture. Love the detail and colors.

Anonyme a dit…

Didn't understand the game, but lovely color of that flower.

Anonyme a dit…

I've joined the game. Check-out my post on this

Linda a dit…

Lovely starry flowers. I used to have borage in my garden, until it turned into a thug and started taking over. Even now, several years later, some seedlings come up every year. But the flowers are so beautiful, and the bees adore them. Perhaps I'll be tempted by your photo to let one grow this year.

abc a dit…

I love the colour of these beautiful flowers. You're lucky to have them in your garden.