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jeudi 26 février 2009

Chidhood / enfance

click to enlarge There was a time where it was easy to count your candles ....
Fancy a piece of a walnut cake ?
Il fut un temps où c'était facile de compter ses bougies ...
ça vous dit un bout de gâteau de noix ?

12 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

What a beeeeeeautiful photograph Babzy.

Olivier a dit…

Hummm un gateau de noix, j'adore (la specialité de mon lot natal , mais bjr les kilos ;o))). belle photo d'anniversaire, cela fait longtemps que je ne mets qu'une grosse bougie sur mon gateau, plus facile a souffler

Tash a dit…

I wish the lovely 9-yr-old a very happy birthday! My mom used to make a walnut-chocolate cake for my b-days at that age that were absolutely delicious.

Baruch a dit…

Yes please! The cake looks yummm! And happy birthday to the handsome lad :)

Unknown a dit…

Lovely pic, awesome light!

Rob a dit…

Yes please, happy birthday!

Some of us, (me) need to many candles. ;)

Lori a dit…

What a great birthday photograph! I would love a walnut cake for my birthday. This one looks fabulous!

Marie-Noyale a dit…

Not too big but not too small either!!
It looks quite good.
Happy 9th Birthday au proptietaire de ces beaux cheveux boucles.

Kris McCracken a dit…

I hope that no wax spilled... a dit…

what a beautiful portrait of a beautiful boy! Happy Birthday! a dit…

I love walnut cake.

abc a dit…

Somehow the comment I tried to leave yesterday didn't arrive, but that walnut cake sure looks tasty! And congratulations to the 9 year old!