It's still snowing ...here is a view of Moulin Saint Paul , built between 1832 and 1846, you can compare the old postcard with the new shot, it hasn't changed a lot ! Currently , the mill is used as offices and the house as a technical space and living space for the people who sail on the canal.
Il neige encore.... voici une vue du Moulin Saint Paul , construit entre 1832 et 1846, vous pouvez comparez la photo actuelle et la carte postale ancienne , cela n'a pas beaucoup changé !Actuellement, le moulin héberge des bureaux (dont ceux de Voies navigables de France) et la maison est utilisée comme espace technique et de vie pour la halte nautique.
6 commentaires:
tu as de la chance, encore de la neige. Si on regarde bien, cela n'a pas beaucoup changé
Joli parallèle que tu nous offre là ;-)
Very nice and interesting comparison. I think I might do a post like that one day.
J'adore ces voyages dans le temps! De la glace sur le canal?
You are right, it hasn't changed a bit! The bank looks a bit wider perhaps. Your current photo is so pretty. I loved seeing the snowy trees in the background on the hill. You live in a beautiful place!
I love these comparison photos. Is it possible that one of the original poplars is still standing today?
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