
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

samedi 28 février 2009


Away for a few days, i won't be able to post and comment your shots !

7 commentaires:

abc a dit…

Lovely shot of this cute bird. Don' worry about not commenting, it's OK. Have a great time away!

Unknown a dit…

Really cute and nice composition too.

Anonyme a dit…

The robins look well cared for. Enjoy your break

Baruch a dit…

A lovely capture. What a great way to attract birds to your garden

alice a dit…

J'espère que tu auras bien profité de ton escapade! Les boules de graisse auront-elles été entièrement picorées?

Rob a dit…

Cute little bird. have a good trip!

simon kutcher a dit…

Strangely, I really like the blue background in that shot more than the central focus of the bird.. The colour is just unbelievable. Also secretly i am jealous as we never get that clarity of colour in 9/10ths of our pics in the polluted air here