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lundi 9 février 2009

V comme Victor

click on the photos to see details !

Yes, everybody guessed it was the great author Victor Hugo !
The sculpture sits in Place Granvelle , Victor Hugo is born in Besançon that why have several monuments dedicated to him .
Tout le monde a deviné que c'était le grand auteur Victor Hugo . La sculpture se trouve Place Granvelle, de nombreux monuments lui sont dédiès car il est né à besançon .
here is a link to listen to his poetry!

8 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

j'aime beaucoup la perspective de la première photo de cette statue.

Linda a dit…

Drat! I missed guessing, but I've never seen Victor semi-naked from the back before, so I might not have got it anyway.

Baruch a dit…

Very nicely taken. The 1st photo has a great point of view.

abc a dit…

He looks quite different in this statue than in the one you posted some time ago. More like a Greek philosopher.

Unknown a dit…

Victor Hugo! :-)
Lovely compositions.

Lori a dit…

I love the way you have captured the statue from below in the first shot. It looks very grand looking up into the sky like that.

Kris McCracken a dit…

Hugo is one of the giants of literature, that's for sure. Good to see that someone has commemorated him with a statue.

Rob a dit…

Lovely tribute to this wonderful author.