
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

samedi 6 décembre 2008

the answer is ....

Le crane de la Baleine et quelques autres os, ornaient le rond-point ...un peu étrange !

the whale's skull and others bones , decorated the roundabout....a little strange !

5 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

That's a great shot!
I didn't realize it was a whale skull on the previous post as I've seen one in southern Argentina (Patagonia) and it doesn't look similar at all... That was the 1st time I also did some whale watching and I just LOVED it!

Femin Susan a dit…

This is amazing!! I am so glad I found your blog!
Welcome to my blog…….

Olivier a dit…

superbe photo, cela doit être impressionnant a rencontrer.
Bon j'ai raté, dommage, mais c'est vrai que j'aurais du penser aux baleines.

Rob a dit…

To see this whale tail with your own eyes is something special. Fantastic photo! a dit…

that must have been amazing seeing that tail come up out of the water!
I think the whale bones are kind of neat, like a sculpture.