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samedi 27 décembre 2008

sreet singer / chanteur de rue

I often heard this woman singing in the streets , it was the day before chrismas , she sings pretty well, if you want to listen to what she was singing when i was there click here . I like all the red touch in the pic .
Je l'ai souvent entendue chanter et très bien , j'ai pris cette photo la veille de NOEL , pour écouter la chanson qu"elle chantait quand j'ai pris la photo c'est ici ?J'aime bien les petites touches de rouge sur la photo !

4 commentaires:

Netfrænkan a dit…

I agree about the red touch :) Takk fyrir, merci, thanx for the pic and the card you sent me....good looking gals ;D xxxx

Unknown a dit…

I also like the red touch. The buildings look great too.

Rob a dit…

She has the Christmas spirit! I wish you a belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year! a dit…

yes, the red touches are quite nice Babzy! & I especially liked the photo enlarged too.