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mercredi 1 avril 2009

new with old / du neuf avec du vieux

I saw on CDP that the theme was yellow ! The first thing i saw was this beautiful letter box, can't be more yellow !

9 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Great find! Was it yellow before?

Olivier a dit…

a croire qu'ils attendaient le theme du mois pour refaire la peinture, ils sont sympathiques chez toi ;o))

Babzy.B a dit…

yes JM our mail boxes are yellow!

valeria a dit…

It was painted for you to post it!!!

Lori a dit…

I guess you'll never miss the post boxes with that great yellow color they used. That's a fun shot for the theme day!

Anonyme a dit…

Can I ask one question from you: "When did you put a letter or postcard to somebody to a mail box?"
I put a birthday card to my granddaughter in February and before that Christmas cards!! No paperletters any more to friends, it is pitty!

Nice day to you!

Babzy.B a dit…

Last time was yesterday :) But i agree , just a few people send cards or lettets now ...

nathalie in avignon a dit…

Peinture fraiche ???

Il vaut mieux utiliser des enveloppes jaunes ce jour-là !

Mo a dit…

Very fresh yellow