I don't know what cingle means but a joker adds a accent mark and the word turn out in "cinglé" which means mad or crazy , so here we are now in the street of the crazy man !
cinglé (nominal) j'aime bien cette suite de qualifiquatifs ....
aliéné, azimuté, barjo, bizarre, cintré, déséquilibré, détraqué, dingo, dingue, fada, foldingue, folingue, fondu, fou, frappé, givré, insensé, jeté, maboul, malade, mariol, piqué, ravagé, sinoque, siphonné, sonné, tapé, timbré, toqué, zinzin
aliéné, azimuté, barjo, bizarre, cintré, déséquilibré, détraqué, dingo, dingue, fada, foldingue, folingue, fondu, fou, frappé, givré, insensé, jeté, maboul, malade, mariol, piqué, ravagé, sinoque, siphonné, sonné, tapé, timbré, toqué, zinzin
7 commentaires:
superbe ce nom de rue (avec en cadeau ce double sens interdit) bcp d'humour dans ta ville.
It have to be a gazy street, when you can not drive at all or what are those signs ?? ;)
Nice day to you, Babzy!
I hope, we will manage in China.
I hope also, that my husband will not speak Chinese - he has studied now some words and is very enthusiastic with language :)) He may try to sell me, when he means to buy someting to me. . . Words are same but they have to say differently. So, wish me luck!!
Like this!
Seems you can't go anywhere but back here, maybe that's why :-)
I love street artists who can play with language like this
HA! Thanks for explaining the meaning of the word to us.
Whoever vandalized the sign has a good sense of humor.
Je vais ameliorer mon vocabulaire!!!
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