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vendredi 3 avril 2009


Hier je vous ai montré la place des jacobins , vous avez sans nul doute remarqué la partie la plus ancienne , voici donc la porte et un détail , splendeur passée qui cotoie les publicité du 21 ième siécle !
En 1224 , les dominicains ou jacobins s'installent à Besançon , ils y font construire un couvent et une église.La porte d'entrée du couvent construit dand le style gothique flamboyant est le seul élément subsistant du couvent .

I posted yesterday "la place des jacobins" you certainly noticed the old part ! Here is the door and a detail from the beauty of 13rd century close to the advertisements of the 21st century !
In 1224 the dominicans or jacobins settled down in Besançon , they built a convent and a church ? Here is the entrance door of the convent , built in gothic style, it is the only remaining vestige of the convent .

9 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

l'avantage d'une ville avec une histoire, l'ancien cotoie le moderne, belle porte

Saretta a dit…

Beautiful stonework!

valeria a dit…

Lovely details!

Unknown a dit…

Glad they have kept the wall. Gorgeous details!

Rob a dit…

We won't find this detail on our new buildings. Happy to see these old details preserved.

valeria a dit…

Thank you for the link Babzy! I certainly know the film, I remember watching it with my family when I was about 8... Hearing that music again brought me back in time... Thankyou!

Mo a dit…

I love these old buildings

abc a dit…

After seeing these pictures I realized I got the perspective on yesterday's picture wrong. I can see the entrance stands alone. Nice they kept it.

Linda a dit…

Looks like it was very lucky indeed to survive.