
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

mardi 1 décembre 2009


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Walking in the streets , i noticed the different shapes an colours of the paving stones , i decided to make a collage .

11 commentaires:

Thérèse a dit…

Nice composite next to such an explosive carpet of leaves!

Olivier a dit…

Belle composition, on dirait un plan vue du ciel

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks for your comment about my Baltimore Oriole eating the orange on My Birds Blog.

I also like your cobblestone photo. And each time I see cobblestones it reminds me of the Roman roads that string out like maps across much of Europe and in England. Some engineers they were.

Chris a dit…

C'est une superbe mozaique, bien capturée!

Sehraeuber a dit…

nice mosaic ... well seen.

Unknown a dit…

Great patchwork, Babzy!

Kaori a dit…

Lovely! It's like a patchwork of stones :)

Lori a dit…

The patterns and textures are so interesting. You find the most lovely things to photograph!

VP a dit…

A great idea for an excellent image.

véro a dit…

effectivement, bonne idée ! rigolo !

bellegarde-webb a dit…
