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mardi 14 avril 2015

Cultiver son jardin

Jardiner sous les remparts de la citadelle

6 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

Attention au mal de dos
Jardin avec belle vue

Thérèse a dit…

Il y a de quoi faire...

Dirk Rosin a dit…

nice picture !

Lowell a dit…

First, thank you for stopping by Ocala (Florida) Photos and for your nice comment.

You have a beautiful blog and I find this picture of great interest with the people working in the garden and what appear to be old Roman walls in the distance on the hill.

I also read in your profile you like Leonard Cohen's music. He's one of my favorites and being a poet he was my (unknown to him) mentor - he helped me find my own voice. :)

VP a dit…

One of the best hobbies, I think...

Anonyme a dit…

Pas mal le spot de jardinage !