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mercredi 1 avril 2015

April Thema Day : "My Camera-shy Self Portrait".

To see more interpretations of today’s theme from photographers around the world click here

9 commentaires:

Dirk Rosin a dit…

stilig bilde !

Bergson a dit…

très ressemblant :-)

Loire Daily Photo a dit…

I like the bike!

namaki a dit…

point de vue intéressant ;-)

VP a dit…

Simple and very good!

Anonyme a dit…

Bel indice pour te retrouver dans Besançon ... hahaha !

Gunn a dit…

Hello from me in Stavanger / Norway.
I like your posting.
Enjoy the spring, and HAPPY EASTER!

AsAeenBySusan a dit…

I love this! Years ago I shot a similar shadow photo of me and my bike. My boyfriend at the time loved it, so I gave it to him. We broke up shortly after that and I never got the photo back.:(

Sehraeuber a dit…

I really like this one!
Very original point of view!