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lundi 8 février 2010

Two friends

These two were probably laughing at a good joke !

10 commentaires:

Kaori a dit…

I could use a good joke too :D

Thérèse a dit…

How funny! The dentist appointment is overdue for one of them! lol

Godnat a dit…

Encore des commères qui se moquent des passants !

Moune a dit…

Et où se trouvent ces "two friends", s'il te plaît ? A bientôt. Moune

Claudine/canelle a dit…

Bien titré ..Sourires

VP a dit…

Love the title, perfect for this funny picture.

Mo a dit…

Very funny

Elisa a dit…

Génial! Ils font des commerages :)
A plus
Elisa, Argentine

Lori a dit…

They do look like they are chuckling at something! I wonder if water comes out there when it rains. a dit…

yes they do look very happy!