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lundi 16 mars 2009

En suspend....Hang on...

Click to enlarge the photo !
He is a climbing teacher , even if i played with photofiltre , i like the way the silhouette cuts out !

13 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

beau contre jour de cet alpiniste, cela donne une superbe photo

Anonyme a dit…

té ! très bonne idée de l'avoir traitée au trait té !...

Rob a dit…

This silhouette is marvelous. I wonder now, do you climb also?

Babzy.B a dit…

No ,i don't climb ;) a dit…

this is co cool Babzy, I love his hair.

Sehraeuber a dit…

Great composition, silhouettes and lights. Well done.

Lori a dit…

He must be a brave man. I love the silhouette too. Maybe you'll have to take a climbing lesson with him!

abc a dit…

You made it look a bit like an illustration, very nice!

Anonyme a dit…

Really cool photo. I can see this being used in a marketing campaign. Excellent

valeria a dit…

Fantastic pic, the silhouette enhances this action!

Virginia a dit…

Great shot ! Too scary for me!

Baruch a dit…

The perfect silhouette

Netfrænkan a dit…

Really cool photo, I love the silhouette!