
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

mardi 1 mai 2012

Happy 1st of May

Photos taken during the demonstration.
Photos prisent pendant la manifestation du 1er Mai .

5 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

bon 1er mai, ce qui me fait penser que j'ai zappe le brin de muguet, tant pis ;)

Gunn a dit…

Soooooooo pretty!!

LeenaH a dit…

Ohh! you have those wonderful flowers already, I can feel their odor here now, thank you!

Thérèse a dit…

You were pretty lucky to get all these leaves with the bits of lilies... I had to beg to get them added for the same price here in Toulouse...

Unknown a dit…

Lovely mosaic! Here it's the red carnation, symbol of the 1974 revolution.