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jeudi 21 juillet 2011

crying flowers

Click on the pic for details :)
Des fleurs étranges et belles qui semblent pleurer ...
thanks to Leena who gave me the name of the plant :) Hoya Carnosa

8 commentaires:

Godnat a dit…

On les croirait en sucre.

Olivier a dit…

je suis d'accord avec Godnat, j'ai envie d'en prendre une et de la manger hummm

Yukinori Katayama a dit…

Hummm....!! We've never seen before in Japan.

Anonyme a dit…

I'd like to give you a blog award :) You'll find it here:

Unknown a dit…

These are gorgeous and seem to have been taken from a wedding cake! :-)

Thérèse a dit…

Is there a trick?
It's beautiful but I would not eat them though...

Marielle a dit…

Elles sont superbes, je n'en avait jamais vu non plus. C'est qu'on les croirait sorties d'un gâteau ;o)

Anonyme a dit…

I had this Hoya carnosa, the wax plant,in my room during my childhood and I became allergic for it. But beautiful it is - flowers are like made from velvet and those drops are very viscous.
Happy weekend to you!

By the way - colourful sunsets could be also yours if only . . . :)