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mercredi 26 janvier 2011

Lilac purple window

8 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

et quand il pleut ca fait "Purple Rain" ;))

Claudine/canelle a dit…

Bonjour , quelle belle prise de vue ...
bonne journée

Yukinori Katayama a dit…

I know you like purple color, Babzy. :)

Unknown a dit…

A beautiful photograph of the window with the flowerpot inside.

Anonyme a dit…

Nice purple window. A color I have seldom see on a anywhere on a house.

VP a dit…

An unusual and refined color!

Dom a dit…

I like this one a lot.
Do you live in Alsace? I remember a childhood visit to Strasbourg (which I enjoyed very much) and some castle high up on a mountain with a magnificent view of the countryside - I don't remember the name of that castle though.

Kaori a dit…

Pretty in Purple ;-D