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mercredi 15 décembre 2010

Place de la Révolution

Christmas market and big wheel around 8pm yesterday.

8 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

superbe la grande roue sous la neige, on retrouve son enfance

Anonyme a dit…

It looks like a giant wheel is working in the winter time. That would be a cold ride.

Also, taking photos at night or in the dark is not an easy feat to accomplish. It looks like you were successful.

Unknown a dit…

Its beautiful Babzy.

Kaori a dit…

I would love to see that every day :-D

Lori a dit…

Wow, that's stunning!

Thérèse a dit…

La roue est superbe mais le nom de la place me fait froid dans le dos!

Pierre a dit…

Tres belle photo. Ou l'as tu prises?

Unknown a dit…

Great night shot!