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mardi 9 juin 2009

At the bakery

Please click on the photo for details ;)

dog :It's not fair , i have to wait here !
kid : Me too , life is unfair ....
This is one of the best bakery in Besançon"La huche à Pain " the bread is just perfect , thanks to the Baker who really loves his work !
Une des Meilleures boulangerie de Besançon "La huche à pain" Le pain est parfait grâce au boulanger qui a une véritable passion pour son travail !

13 commentaires: a dit…

what a beautiful little bakery. i love the warm glow of the light inside.

Olivier a dit…

ce que j'aime dans les vraies boulangeries : l'odeur du pain qui cuit........Hummmmmm

Claudine/canelle a dit…

Bonjour, cela reste un endroit très familier , le chien à la porte ,
l enfant qui attend , image indémodable et cette boulangerie bien attirante , bonne journée

roland a dit…

C'est vrai que c'est bon du bon pain frais pour les tartines le matin...
Bonne journée !

Anonyme a dit…

It looks like the dog went to sleep. I think the kid is waiting on his treat of something sweet. Nice shot.

We no longer have a bakery here. For years we had one inside the grocery store and freshly baked goods could be had at reasonable prices.

Then they closed it down and began hauling in baked goods to sell that are baked somewhere else but not in this area. Not as good. Not a big selection. But typical of what happens in this country and is just one angle on why our economy tanked.

Baruch a dit…

I love the humour in your photo - well done!

Yukinori Katayama a dit…

hahaha...kid & dog

Rob a dit…

Who can blame them? The aroma from the boulangerie is wonderful. A dream to work as a French baker, but I shall stay in my kitchen.

Lori a dit…

To those of us in other countries, this is a classic French scene. How charming. It must smell heavenly inside. I wish I could taste that bread!! Yum!

Sehraeuber a dit…

yum yum ... I would like to have some bread !

Miss Lemon a dit…

Nous sommes mardi ?
J'ai déjà vu cette scène quelque part ....

roentare a dit…

Such an interesting beautiful facade in deed! Great work!

henny a dit…

I once had a dream to work at a bakery as I love bread and cakes but always failed to make my own. Just imagined I could take home some which weren't sold that day :).