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samedi 18 juin 2016

Mood Of The Day: Michel Legrand & Ginette Reno

4 commentaires:

Bill a dit…

Funny--- I was just listening to Michel Legrand playing Satie. Wonderful musician.

Babzy.B a dit…
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Babzy.B a dit…

Yes i agree !😊

Roger Gauthier a dit…

I didn't know that you knew about Ginette Reno, a Québécoise. BTW she's been condemned once again this week for driving under the influence, the dear lady. She's French-speaking through and through, and here she sings with Legrand in English with a slight accent that she doesn't know about.

As you can see, I'm no fan of my compatriot Ginette Reno. But Michel Legrand is a totally different story, a creative and powerful musician.