
les photos présentées ne sont pas libres de droit

jeudi 1 décembre 2011


Theme day: december : Action shot ! For more theme day click here

5 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

le titre et la photo, géniale ;o))

Thérèse a dit…

Can't do better for "action shot!"

Karl a dit…

Great action shot, here is all in the air!

Tash a dit…

Terrific shot & I especially love the title.
I just realized that I've been to Besançon for just a short visit in ... hmmm, well, long time ago, in winter of 1990 after a visit to Ronchamp to see le Corbusier's church -- this was when we lived in Switzerland for a year & a half. I remember liking the city.

webb-bellegarde a dit…

Quelle chance : juste click au bon moment ! :)