Galerie photos Esplanade des Droits de l'Homme, illustrant le grand chantier de la LGV Rhin Rhône . Pour en savoir plus sur la construction de la LGV Rhin-Rhône ici Photos exhibition outdoor concerning the big construction site of the new railway near Besançon .
I love how you've arranged the photos! And also, thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts. Thankfully, I am safe in Tokyo. I hope you are safe and having a wonderful weekend :-)
6 commentaires:
Une tres bonne idee de faire une exposition sur ces projets! Cela marque plus les esprits.
je trouve que c'est une tres bonne idee cette exposition dehors, et a ce que je vois il y a de tres belles photos. tu as participe ?
Nice collage of the exhibit Babzy. It seems like a lot of thought is being put into the construction of the railway.
Looks like a very smart new railway station. Bet it comes in on time, not like here where there is always delays.
I love how you've arranged the photos! And also, thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts. Thankfully, I am safe in Tokyo. I hope you are safe and having a wonderful weekend :-)
they are keen to make this railway project happy and pretty :)
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