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vendredi 8 janvier 2010


13 commentaires: a dit…

What is this? Whatever this is, the color is tempting!

Tash a dit…

Nice pair - hanging on together in the frosty days. Those are rose-hips aren't they?
So here is a memory for grandmother in Pula, Croatia used to pick wild rose hips on her walks (she walked daily before it was in fashion, out in nature if possible) and then dry them for rosehip jam. It was tedious work because all the little hairs & seeds in the middle had to be removed before cooking. The jam was totally delicious. I still get some from a local international market just to have a hint of the taste.

Olivier a dit…

l'amour, l'amour toujours l'amour..c'est des inséparables ? ;)

Claudine/canelle a dit…

Qu'est ce que c'est?bonne soirée

Owen a dit…

Like two peas in a pod...

Wanted to thank you for your recent visits Babzy, and to wish you an excellent 2010...

Hope all is well in the beautiful city of Besançon, close to Ornans, one of my favorite places in all of France...

bitingmidge a dit…

Fantastic, and no ice!

Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia

bellegarde-webb a dit…

çà fait presque mal de les voir se geler et se ratatiner à deux, cela fait penser à la vieillesse mais en même temps c'est très beau.

Babzy.B a dit…

I don't know what they are ...

Babzy.B a dit…

thank you Tash for sharing memories with me , i think i'd loved this Jam ;)

Thérèse a dit…

"Poil à gratter" de notre enfance!
Les fruits de l'églantier.
A "wild rose" in English??? I have no idea of the name in English, I looked up in the dictionary...

VP a dit…

Beautiful image and thanks to Tash for the interesting comment with a nice personal story.

henny a dit…

Are they persimmon? On my way to work everyday, I always pass by a persimmon tree which is ignored by people. The fruit is everywhere, that's why. I saw it while its ripe fruits were still fresh in the end of summer until they were rotten during winter still untouched.

Babzy.B a dit…

No , Henny it's not persimmon :)