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mardi 20 octobre 2009

The king's tower

Click to enlarge the shot !
At the Citadel , view on the king tower and the monkeys , can you see them.
La citadelle de Besançon, vue sur la Tour du Roi et les singes ...

9 commentaires:

Kaori a dit…

Beautiful view! But why are monkeys there? Reminds me of the scary monkeys in Wizard of Oz :)

Kcalpesh a dit…

The structure looks so strong and well-built. I could see the five monkeys after enlarging the pic... Nice shot!

- Pixellicious Photos

Robert a dit…

Vauban est passé par là.

Babzy.B a dit…

Olivier et Meretnature j'ai du supprimer mon post pour des problèmes techniques et le rééditer, c'est pourquoi vos commentaires ont disparu !

Babzy.B a dit…

kaori , there are monkeys because the citadel is also a zoo :)

Lori a dit…

I thought I couldn't find the monkeys but then I spotted them in the middle. I wouldn't have seen them if you had pointed it out. You have so many cool things in Besançon.

Sehraeuber a dit…

I was really trying hard to look for the monkeys, since all I see is a big tower ... yeah, I found the monkeys ... haha ... great indeed.

Claudine/canelle a dit…

Alors je reviens pour te demander pour dit-on le roi et ses singes,*
bonne soirée

Marie-Noyale a dit…

Joli travail de Vauban..
j'ai cru un instant voir Belle Ile!