Place du marché à Besançon
La confédération paysane sensibilise la population au problème du lait ,vaste problème que je résume un peu simplement ici ,le prix de revient est plus élevé que le prix de vente , il est de plus en plus difficile pour les producteurs de se dégager un salaire . Des disributions gratuites de lait ont eu lieu mais malheureusement j'étais déjà partie !
Clik to enlarge :)Producers of milk fighting for their rights , a lot of them can't survive because the prices are so low ! They were giving fresh milk to the population but unfortunately i was not there anymore ;)
11 commentaires:
Leur combat est normal.
Farmers are in trouble everywhere, it seems.
i think something similar happened yesterday in Verona as well...
Farmer's are in trouble in India too!!
- Pixellicious Photos
c'est l'éternel combat du pot de terre contre le pot de fer ! les gros (producteurs) eux, n'ont pas l'air de se plaindre !
It happens the same here... This is awful!
I understand the farmers, much work and little money!
Un moyen de se faire entendre pas toujours évident , mais bon , bises
Not to make light of the crisis, but I do love that man's hat.
How long has this been going on Babzy?
Every Where same Problem !!Unseen Rajasthan
10 years ago, my relatives sold all of their herd of dairy cows. Milk prices were too low, they now rent their land for hay and now have a meat processing shop. Sad to see family farms suffer while corporate farms prevail.
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